Sunday Services
8 am Eucharist
The first service on Sunday is held in the Soldiers' Chapel. It is quiet and relatively short. There is a sermon, but no singing. A modern liturgy is used.
10 am Sung Eucharist
This service is larger and louder. There are hymns and the liturgy is also sung. Children feel more at home at this service, in our children's corner and helping with the worship. After this service we serve tea and coffee in the transept (soup and rolls in the winter).
Midweek Services
10 am Thursdady — Holy Communion
The Eucharist is celebrated in the St George's chapel in St Peter's Church.
11.30 am Monday — Eucharist
The parish is responsible for the 11.30 am Eucharist, held in the Chapel at St John Of God Hospital, Drummond Street. All are welcome.
2 pm Tuesday - Eucharist
This is celebrated at Nazareth House for residents every fortnight.
12.15 pm First Thursdays — Eucharist
A service is held for the Mothers Union before its monthly meeting on the third Thursday of the month. All are welcome.